Dealing With Criticism

You are on top of the world where life is going your way and your life is full of optimism. You soar with the eagles and stress is non-existent in your life. Everyone loves this phase in their life. The problem is that this phase of life does not continue forever. From time to time, and often more often than we would like to occur, life takes a turn and someone pops our bubble of optimism with one or several criticisms. Our response: internalize them and fall into deep depression.

Dale Carnegie is the man who told us how to keep a positive focus in our lives. He tells you to stop, don’t get so upset, and refocus when criticism comes in your life. He puts it this way: “The small man flies into a rage over the slightest criticism, but the wise man is eager to learn from those who have censured him and approved him.” This all makes perfect logical sense; the wise is slow to internalize criticism. Your problem and mine is that too often our feelings are on our sleeves and criticism plummets us to deep depression.

Dale’s words are true and to overcome depression when criticism strikes, you have to remember that the wise person tries to learn from it and not internalize it. Solomon was the wisest person who ever walked the face of the earth. His words emphasize this principle as well: “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy” (Prov. 27:6). In other words, to use common vernacular – consider the source. When criticism strikes, first consider the source of the criticism and then think with your mind not your emotions as to the relevance of the criticism.

Rest assured if you are not dealing with some criticism now, don’t worry, life teaches us that the next criticism is probably just around the corner. When it happens follow some wise advice from those who have dealt with it in a positive way before us. Be wise. Consider the source. React with your mind not your emotions!! Then move on to a positive day!!!