I am the guy who tells you to seek the Lord through prayer. Before taking a step in any direction, search the will of Christ in your life through prayer. Pray about it. Then pray about it again. Finally end your pursuit with prayer. Waiting upon Christ to lead you is your best plan of attack.
I believe those words with my whole heart. Every decision you make should be saturated in prayer. Yes, BUT, there is something that you should do after your prayers. It is that you should put forth the effort and do something. Prayer is no good, if all you do is pray. There is a time and place for you to take action.
When taking action, do not veer to the left or right. Stay on track. Once you know what Christ tells you to do, go about doing it wholeheartedly. Three businessmen had adjacent businesses in a rectangular building. One man put up a sign that said, “Clearance Sale.” Another, on the other end of the building, displayed a sign, “Year-end Sale.” The man in the middle knew his business was in trouble, so he put up a sign, “Main Entrance.” Ha! Ha! The man in the middle was determined to make the best of the situation.
The prophet Elisha, in the Old Testament, likewise was determined to be with Elijah, when he went into heaven. Both of them went to Gilgal, Jericho, Jordan, and walked further. Elijah told Elisha to stay at each of those places. Elisha would not accept that desire of Elijah’s. Each time Elisha responds with, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!” (2 Kings 2:2, 4, 6, NKJV). Elisha was determined not to leave Elijah, before Elijah was caught up into heaven.
Like a bulldog who refuses to let go, once he has a grip, so you need to be determined. Follow Christ completely!