A Key To Happiness

So often in life we start off with some goals, strive to obtain them, and then spend the rest of our lives just plodding along aimlessly. We start off by striving to get that high school diploma, then maybe a college diploma for some, and for a very few possibly a post-graduate degree. Somewhere along the way matrimony may happen. Then, in the 20s or early 30s, life seems to settle down, and you do not make any further goals. Life becomes more of an existence than a new goal to reach. If you are not careful you will spend most of your life spinning the wheels of monotony instead of a life of adventure.

The question arises: how do I keep from just existing from day to day? There are probably dozens of answers that will shed light on the answer to this question, but let’s focus on just one. A little quip may just be what is needed. To look is one thing. To see what you look at is another. To understand what you understand is still something else. But to act on what you learn is all that really matters (Bits & Pieces). One of the reasons life becomes monotonous is that you stop taking action on goals. You become stagnant.

Spiritually, this means you have accepted yourself as you are and are not striving to change. Or perhaps you have tried to change so many times and failed that now you have given up. All of this leads to a very unhappy life. You live unhappy and feel defeated to serve Christ daily.

There is a verse tucked away in Romans that gives tremendous insight into living a happy Christian life. Most Christians love the Lord and know what they should do, but they are not happy. Verse 22 of chapter 14 says: “Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he does.” The bottom line is to be happy we must do or obey what the Scriptures tell us to do. Happiness boils down to you obediently obeying the Scriptures!!!