From the time you were a very small child, you set your eyes on obtaining riches. You wanted so much to have the good things in life. What exactly those good things would actually be, varies from person to person. The fact remains, though, that riches are something that you sought for in your life.
When Patrick Henry lay dying, he called his children around him and said, “I am about to leave you all my earthly possessions. There is one more thing that I would like to leave you, namely, the Christian faith. If I could leave you that and nothing else, you would be rich indeed. If I could leave you everything else and not that, you would be poor indeed.” You may seek material riches as your utmost goal in life. Having material goods is not only a luxury, but also a necessity in life. Having material goods are required for you to live. What is more important than being materialistic, is the riches you have spiritually. Spiritual riches will last you for eternity.
In the book of Wisdom Literature in the Holy Bible, verses are sprinkled here and there about being rich. One such verse says, “By humility and the fear of the Lord, are riches and honor and life” (Proverbs 22:4, NKJV). You can have riches. Those riches come when you are humble. One problem with humility, is that the moment that you feel you have it, is the exact moment you lose it. Humility is part of the key to having riches. The other part of the key is for you to “fear the Lord.” Having a healthy dose of respecting Christ, in order to obey His Word, yields huge dividends in becoming rich.
The road to riches is paved with you being humble and fearing the Lord. Start to do that today!