Killing Pride

          You have friends who take great pride in themselves.  They are good-looking, know it, and flaunt it.  They are a great athlete in some sport, know it, and flaunt it.  They have a lot of money, know it, and flaunt it.  No matter what characteristic they have, they know it and flaunt it.  You find it hard to be around them for a long period of time.  What is their problem?  Their core fault is that they are proud.  Let pride enter your life, and watch your friends leave your life.

            As deadly as pride is in your life, the opposite of it is just as deadly.  What I am talking about is humility.  Let humility be on public display and it stinks worse than rotten meat several days old. Discussing humility is an illusive thing.  One unknown writer has this to say about it: “Humility is a strange thing.  The minute you think you’ve got it, you’ve lost it.”  It is a great thing for you to be humble.  Just do not try to walk around putting humility on display wherever you go.

            Scripture is not silent to the tension between pride and humility.  It condemns pride.  It tells you that humility is something to be desired.  But, you may ask, “How do you obtain humility?”  Proverbs 11:2 gives you some insight: “When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble is wisdom.”  The first part of that verse speaks loud and clear to what you see in your life – “When pride comes, then comes dishonor.”  Those you know that show their pride, result in them being dishonorable.  Notice the end of the verse though.  The way to be humble, without it being stale in daily living, is to obtain it through wisdom.

            You see proud people in your walk of life and want no part of it.  What you do want is to be humble.  Humility comes from living a life of Godly wisdom. Start today!