Most of the people you know in your daily routine live their lives by the predictable events. They think and plan and do what seems best to them. Some may take a few risks in life, but even then, logic plans a major part of their life.
Being a Christian requires that sometimes you have to go ahead and do things that the world will say is unwise. They say that, because they do not have God to guide them into the unknown. The Lord directs your path by asking you to trust Him by faith and do as He asks. Doubt sees the obstacles – Faith sees the way! Doubt sees the darkest night – Faith sees the way! Doubt dreads to take a step – Faith soars on high! Doubt questions, “Who believes?” Faith answers, “I!” Living by faith makes all the difference in the world, by showing you how to really live your life.
Tucked away in a small Old Testament book are these words to you regarding your faith: “But the righteous will live by his faith” (Habakkuk 2:4). Can you be a Christian and not live by faith? Absolutely! There are many believers, who live a life of predictability. They never take risks. They plan out everything, so that their life is the same every day of their life. Habakkuk tells you that in living that way, you live a life not according to God’s plan. Notice, in that verse God is telling you that to live a life of “righteousness,” is to live a life of faith. God wants you to fully trust Him, especially when you venture out into unknown waters.
To live above the ordinary people on the earth, means you have to develop a life of faith. Not blind faith, but faith based upon God’s Word. God will lead you as you seek to live a Godly life, explained in the Scriptures, and applied to your life by prayer. Yes, now is the time to live above the ordinary, by living a life of faith. Start that right now!