Perhaps you remember, as a child, that your parents gave you an allowance. You would do some work around the house and be rewarded with some money. You would ask if there was anything else you could do to increase the money you would make.
That philosophy carries over into your adult life. You go to work and receive a salary. You look for ways to increase your work salary. It may be to work longer hours or to take on a second job. The need for extra cash seems to always be present.
There is caution that needs to be heeded in trying to get a little more money. You can fall in the trap, that no matter how much money you have, you never have enough. Mark Hambourgh has some insightful words regarding this: “Money is a wonderful thing, but it is possible to pay too high a price for it.” Yes, having enough money for essentials and a few extras is very satisfying. It is when you have the attitude, that no matter how much money you get, there is that nagging urge to get more. That desire keeps you from being content with what you have.
Scripture mentions money in many of its verses. One such verse, by King Solomon, says this: “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income. This too is vanity.” (Ecclesiastes 5:10). Putting an emphasis in your life of getting more and more money, leads to a life that is never fulfilled.
If having a little more money consumes you, go to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him to forgive your passion for more money and help you be satisfied totally in Him. It is not until you make the Lord God the center of your life for contentment, that you will be happy. Do so today!