A Little Kindness Please

             Among other things, one attribute that impresses you about others, is the fact that they are kind towards you.  You are impressed, when people show you kindness.  This is especially true of people showing you kindness with no ulterior motive behind it.

            Guy King says these words in regards to showing kindness to others: “You can no more have love without kindness than you can have springtime without flowers.  The greatest thing a man can do for his heavenly Father is to be kind to some of His other children.”  You know you are to love others, just as Christ has loved you.  One way to do that is to be kind to others.  Being kind means being kind to those who least expect it, as well, as those that are easy to show kindness toward.  Guy King makes a great statement, when he said that one of the greatest things you can do to others is to be kind to them.

            In the book of Ephesians, it is describing how you are to walk in Christ in your daily life.  It describes how you are to put your life in Christ into daily practice.  “And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each another, just as God in Christ has forgiven you” (4:32).  This verse commands you to “be kind to one another.”  It is not something nice to do; it is a command.  Here, Scripture is not silent in telling you exactly how to go about being kind.  It tells you that being kind comes as you forgive those who offend you in your life.  The way to forgive them is in the same way that “Christ has forgiven you.”

            It is time to show a little kindness please!  Start today and spread a little kindness to everyone you encounter daily.  Just remember that those acts of kindness are to be the same acts of kindness shown to you from Jesus.  Do so today!