You may be thinking what is an unholy day? You call Sunday a holy day, so what day of the week is an unholy day? By listening to most Christians, you would think that any day of the week, except Sunday, must be an unholy day. It is unholy, because it just another day of the week. It is not the day set aside to go to church and worship the Lord. Thus, most Christians, at least indirectly, say that the days that you do not go to church, must be unholy.
Elbert Hubbard, writer, editor, and printer, was a brilliant eccentric. On the front page of his magazine, The Philistine, he once printed a single sentence: “Remember the Weekday to Keep it Holy.” This is exactly the mentality of many people today. Life ought not to be divided into compartments labeled sacred and secular. Monday can be as significant and sacred as Sunday. Every day of the week is to be considered a sacred day.
This is not a matter of personal opinion. This is a biblical fact. The Word of God makes no distinction between one day of the week over another in regards to holiness. Among the verses in the Old Testament and the New Testament regarding this, is Psalm 118:24, “This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” This verse is saying to treat each and every day the same. And what is the way that you should approach each day? You are to enjoy every moment of every day with rejoicing and gladness.
Even though Elbert Hubbard was being sarcastic in his title on the front page of his magazine, he stated a biblical truth. Every day is to be a sacred day of the week. Therefore, you are to keep the unholy day (every day of the week)! Do that today!