The people you meet make an impression upon you. After that introduction, some of them become your friends. The character traits of those people are what draws you to them. Among the many things that you like, most of those is their ability to be kind. A kind person is one that uplifts your soul and makes you feel good.
Just as others show kindness to you, so you should be kind to others. “’My boy,’ said a father to his son, ‘treat everyone with politeness, even those who may be rude to you; for remember, you show courtesy to others, not because they are gentlemen, but because you are a gentleman’” (American Opinion). You are to treat other people with kindness, not because they treat you with kindness, but because you are a kind person.
One of the characteristics of a Christian is to be kind. So, you are to be a kind person. This command to be kind is seen in Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ has forgiven you.” Here, Scripture not only commands you to “be kind,” but also explains how you are to make that happen in your life. It starts out with you being “tender-hearted.” This is the opposite of being gruff or offensive to others. You are to be sympathetic with those you encounter in your life. Next, the verse says you are to be someone who is “forgiving to one another.” You should not hold a grudge, just looking and waiting for an opportunity to get even when you are wronged.
Scripture is saying you need to be showing kindness to people that the Lord brings in your life. The “I don’t get mad, I get even” attitude has no place in your Christian life. Let’s go out and spread a little kindness around!