Increasing The Bank Account

You work hard for your money and want that job to increase the amount of money that you have.  You absolutely love to see your money increase.  You work long, strenuous hours just to get ahead monetarily.  Every chance you get you do whatever you can to increase that pay check.

James Moffat said some wise words concerning money: “A man’s treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character – how he makes it and how he spends it.”  How you make your money says a lot about the kind of person that you are.  The type of job, the hours worked, and the sacrifices you make for that pay check speak volumes about the kind of person you are.  Include, also, the way you spend your money, and a good assessment can be made of your character.  How much money do you spend on hobbies?  How much do you spend on things you want but don’t necessarily need?  Looking at all that, and you can see what is important to your life.

King Solomon wrote a book of the Old Testament, explaining what is important and what is not important to live your daily life.  “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income.  This too is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 5:10).  King Solomon, who was the richest person to ever exist on earth, warns you on the love of money.  He says that the love for money is an endless path.  It will never be satisfied.  And when you love to have just more and more money, so that you have an abundance, it is never satisfied.

Increasing the bank account to get it bigger and bigger, is a path that never has an end.  The more that you seek to have an abundance, you realize that it never, ever satisfies.  Learn to be content with the money you have!