You were very excited the day you got married. You could not wait for that day to come. When the day you got married finally came, your emotions flooded your soul. More than likely, getting married was the fulfillment of a childhood dream. You couldn’t wait to get married. Then that day arrived.
After the wedding, you realized that to keep the flame of love in the marriage took work. It did not just happen, because you were now married. That love you experienced, when you first got married, required tender attention after the marriage.
Your wife should be the most loved person in your life. She should feel loved and know that she is a prized gem. Too often that does not happen. After being married for a while, the emotions can fade and so does the way that you treat your wife. Don’t ever question your wife’s judgment. After all, she married you! Ha! Ha! You laugh, but it is very true. Your wife deserves the best that you have.
Scripture tells you to treasure your wife. It is very specific and commands you to make her feel like a queen. “Marriage is to be held in honor by all…” (Hebrews 13:4). The wedding relationship is “to be held in honor by all.” So, you are to treat your wife with honor. That means to treat her with “honor” all the time.
When the time comes to tie the knot, enjoy every part of that joyful day. It is the start of a new you. You now no longer think only about what you want and what is best for you. You have a wife to consider and to even put her above your own interests. After all, it is not love, until it is given away.