As you live the Christian life, the tendency is to observe the believers around you. You can easily see their faults and short-comings. If you are not careful you will become a speck inspector, seeing all the things that other people need to correct in their life, without any regards to looking at areas in your life that need correction.
It is so easy to spot the sins in other people’s lives. Seeing sins in your life is much different. Thomas Carlyle has some wise words, when he said, “Confess your own sins, not your neighbors’. The greatest fault is to be conscious of none but other peoples.’” The Holy Bible in numerous places commands believers to look closely at their own short-comings. Too often though, you only see others sins without taking the time to see your own.
1 John 1:10 is one such verse that commands you to survey your own life and its sins: “If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.” When you say that your life is all okay without any sin in it, then this verse says that you make Jesus a liar and Christ’s word is not in you.
As you look inside yourself and see sins in your life, what is to be your response? 1 John 1:9 addresses that issue: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” So, as you confess those sins in your life, the Lord forgives you. Even better than that, the Lord cleanses you of those sins. They are no longer held against you.
It is time you take a deep look inside to see yourself as you really are. A little self-examination from time to time is good for your soul. Then confess them and forsake them!