A Little Tact Please

You have been in a situation where someone said something and used little tact in the process.  When that happens, the range of emotions fall between feeling uncomfortable and getting into a heated argument.  It is bad enough when someone does not use tact in talking to us, but what really gets under our skin in when we fall into the trap of saying something without tact to someone else.  Ouch!  That is so embarrassing!

The use of tact is described in the quote: “Tact is telling someone where to go and doing it so nicely that he looks forward to going there.”  Now, that is someone who is tactful!  As you talk to someone else, you want to use words that will be encouraging to them without putting them on the offensive.

The Holy Bible encourages you to be careful in what you say.  It says that your words are to “be seasoned with salt.’  What does salt do?  It brings out the flavor of foods it is sprinkled upon.  So, you are to use your speech to bring out the best in another person’s life.  Proverbs 15:1 puts it this way, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”  In other words, think before you speak.

Mark Twain was a word smith who was known for his snippets regarding life, as well as the novels he wrote.  On one occasion he wrote: “The difference between the right word and the almost right word, is the difference between the lightening and the lightening bug.”  Ha!  Ha!  You chuckle, but there is a ton of truth in what he said.

You are not responsible for the words that come out of another person’s mouth, but you are responsible for the words you speak.  So, let’s keep it plain and simple; in your speech have a little tact please!