Key To Happiness

From your early beginnings as a child, one of the things that you have searched for is to be happy.  You enjoy the play time with friends as a child, because it makes you happy.  This continues into your adolescent years, and even into your adult life.  You look forward to those relaxing times with friends to ‘live it up.”

Why do you search out fun times with others?  The answer is plain and simple; you pursue happiness in your life.  You spend time with friends and family that you find enjoyable.  Conversely, those in your inner circle whom you do not enjoy being around, you avoid their company.

Being with people you enjoy brings happiness, but only during the times of being with them.  Those people who seem to be happy all the time are people you envy.  What is their secret?  How can you be happy all the time?  An unknown author gives insight to the answer to these questions: “To be happy, don’t do whatever you like, but like whatever you do.”  That will yield a certain amount of earthly satisfaction.  This is a good philosophy of life.

To have even a better philosophy of life, concerning finding happiness, you need to go to the Book of books to find your answer.  That Book of all books is nothing more than the Holy Bible.  In the Wisdom Literature of Proverbs, it reveals the absolute truth to finding happiness on a day-to-day basis: “…But happy is he who keeps the law” (Proverbs 29:18).  To find happiness daily in your life, requires you to live in accordance to the Scriptures.

Taking all this into consideration, the key to happiness is to live your life in total obedience to the Holy Bible.  The Holy Bible is a guidebook to tell you how to live successfully and happily on earth.  As you live in accordance to it, you find the key to happiness.   Now, that is the way to happiness!