Overcoming Obstacles

In all areas of life, obstacles seem to show their ugly heads.  It does not matter if you are a student, a career person, married, single, or retired, these obstacles occur.  It just seems to be part of life here on earth.

Obstacles take different forms.  They range from minor irritations to down and out massive life changes.  The major obstacles may cause more emotional damage than the minor obstacles, but they all are taxing on your psyche.

The question is, though, how do you overcome obstacles?  The answer is in a quote from an unknown author: “Obstacles are those frightening things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”  Whoa!  That is so true.  When you take your eyes off your goal, you focus on other things.  Thinking about other things, becomes the obstacle to you obtaining your goal.

In the Wisdom Literature of the Bible, it states the same principle in different words: “Do not turn to the right or to the left” (Proverbs 4:27).  Like the quote from the unknown source above, the solution to overcoming obstacles is to keep focus on your goal.  Do not get side-tracked.  Keep your eyes riveted on your goal.

Obstacles are a part of your earthly pilgrimage.  The occurrence of obstacles is part of your life, as well.  Do not think that just because you are not having any obstacles right now, that you have nothing to worry about.  Be assured of this – either you are having obstacles in your life right now or they are on your horizon.

Obstacles in your life will come and go.  What you really need to know is how to overcome obstacles that happen in your life.  Take King Solomon’s advice, that he gave when he wrote Proverbs, “do not turn to the right or to the left.”  Just look straight ahead at your goal(s).