Monkey See, Monkey Do

So much of the way you are is a direct result of the world around you.  You are influenced by the people you interact with on a daily basis.  If those influencers are a good example, then you are prone to do good deeds.  If, on the other hand, the people you spend your time with are a bad example, then Scripture tells you that your behavior will be negative.  Even if you have good behavior, over time with bad people, your good behavior will turn into bad.

Everyone is influenced by the people they associate with – you included.  Also, other people are influenced by your behavior.  Your Christian testimony before the world, either brings others closer to God, or hinders their relationship with God.  Peter Holmes makes a statement worth putting some serious thought into: “My life helps to paint my neighbor’s picture of God.”  Re-read that statement.  Let it sink in!  Your behavior throughout the day, as a Christian, gives a visual image to others about the Lord God.

Jesus gives you and me some strong words, when He said, “For I give you an example that you also should do as I did to you” (John 13:15).  Before I can write these words, I know what you are thinking – “Jesus is my example.”  Yes, that is true.   You go on thinking, that since Jesus is your example, you are to follow Him.  After all, He is the Master and you are the slave.  All that is true.  The emphasis, so far, is that Jesus is your example.  Notice the end of the verse: “you should also do.”  Ouch!  Yes, Jesus gives you the example, but “you should also do” the things that Jesus did.

The bottom line is that you see Jesus doing something, and you should do it as well.  Jesus is your example, but He is the example for you to be doing just as He did.  After all, seeing what needs to be done, and not doing it, is plain and simple disobedience and sin.  You see what needs to be done, now go do it!