Tying The Knot

You may be single, looking for that marriage partner, or you may be already married.  The fact is, when you marry someone, your whole life changes.  Instead of living by yourself or with a roommate, you now have a marriage partner.

When you enter into marriage you quickly realize your mate is not superman or wonder woman.  That mate has cracks and imperfections that keep them from being far from perfect.  When you were looking for a marriage partner, you may have had a high bar for them to attain.  That is fine, but you must face the reality that they are not perfect.  A girl said to a boy, “The man I marry must be brave as a lion, but not forward; handsome as Apollo, but not conceited; wise as Solomon, but meek as a lamb; a man who is kind to every woman, but loves only me.”  The boy said, “How lucky we met!”  Ha!  Ha!  You chuckle, but deep inside at one point of your life, you probably had similar thoughts.

Marriage is a gift from God Almighty.  When Adam named all the animals on earth, God put Adam into the Garden of Eden to cultivate it.  During that process, God looked at Adam and said to him, “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Gen. 2:18).  Notice, it was God who realized that man should not be alone.  It was not something Adam said, but God said it.

To make your marriage better, it is good to remember Ephesians 5:33, “Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband.”  Husbands are to love their wife more than anyone else on earth.  That means more than anyone!  Wives are to totally respect their husbands at all times.  That means respect at all times!

It is good to tie the knot.  God gives marriage, because it is good for the husband and wife.  Enjoy one another!