As you ponder that title, several places come to your mind. You may be thinking of that great family vacation you took to the Caribbean, or to the mountains, or to a lake. You may not be thinking about a vacation at all. Your thoughts may focus your attention on some great spiritual encounter you experienced and all the activities surrounding that event.
I dare to say that the best place on earth is the home. It is there where you can let your hair be a rat’s nest or you can act your worst, but those in your house still accept you. Winston Churchill was a great leader, and as he reflected upon the home, he said, “There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues of society are created, strengthened, and maintained.” The importance of your home life can not be stressed too highly.
King David discusses the home for the one who is physically not at home, “God makes a home for the lonely” (Ps. 68:6). For whatever reason you do not feel the positive attributes that are found in in home, just know that God will provide a home for you. This verse says, “God makes a home.” The Lord knows the human need for a good home, so He creates one tailor made for you. Even if you have a home, God will minister to you, when your home for whatever reason is not available to you.
Yes, the best place on earth is your home. A home allows you to recharge your motivation for life, feel God’s love and acceptance, and know that above all you are fully accepted by the family members.
If you cannot relate to the family described above, be of good cheer, because God will be to you that family you desperately need. Yes, there is nothing that can compare with home sweet home!