Everyone just loves Friday. The student loves it, because the weekend is near; there is no school and free time is near. The person in the workplace loves it, because a busy week is ended; there will be no work and free time is near. Every man, woman, boy, and girl loves having time to do whatever they want. For many, Friday marks the beginning of such a time.
This Friday is a special Friday, though. Today the Christian celebrates the death of Jesus Christ. This is the day when Jesus bore your sins and mine. A very learned man once said to a little child who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, “My poor little girl, you don’t know whom you believe in. In which of them do you believe?” “I know which one I believe in,” replied the child. “I believe in the Christ who rose from the grave.” Ouch! I guess that answered the man’s question. Ha!
Today is not any ordinary Friday. It is the Friday that believers all over the world celebrate as the day when Jesus bore our sins. On this day, Jesus died and became our Savior.
Jesus talked about His death to Martha, as seen in John 11:25-26, “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in Me will live, even if He dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me, will never die…”
Yes, today is Friday. It is a glorious day, not just because the weekend is near, but because this coming Sunday is Easter; our time to celebrate our risen Lord. Christians all over the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday.
It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming; it is time to rejoice, because of Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus arose from the grave and because He arose, all Christians will arise from the grave and live eternally in heaven. He is risen indeed!