Add A Little Salt And Light

Let’s go back in time to when you were a young child.  You can remember playing with your friends and you have all kinds of great memories of your childhood.  The problem is, though, that not all your childhood memories are pleasant.  Among the many uplifting memories are some dark clouds.  Dark clouds, of children saying or doing things to treat you cruelly, come to your remembrance more often than you would like.

So often others offer cutting remarks to you in thinking that they are doing you a favor.  They will criticize and think they are doing you a favor.  An unknown author states this scenario so vividly, “The unfortunate thing about constructive criticism is that nobody really appreciates it as the one who’s giving it.”  Now, that resonates with you.  Somehow, the person criticizing believes that they are doing you some huge favor by dumping a load of negativity into your life.

The Scriptures discuss the right and wrong way to approach verbal communication.  Proverbs 15:1 nails it when it says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”  To put it into the words of Mark Twain, “The difference between the right word, and the almost right word, is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug.”  Ha!  That is humorous but so true.  That verse states that a kind, appropriate word or two will actually make a mad person become calm.  It also states that a cool, calm person can quickly become hot tempered by your uttering of unkind, harsh words.

Yep, you know Jesus told you to be salt and light to those around you.  This means you are to be a person who says encouraging words.  Those positive words are never so desperately needed as during a heated discussion.  With a little salt and light, life is a whole lot more pleasant.