How To Make A Difference

You do not want to go through life by merely existing.  You want to make an impact in some way during your earthly journey.  You would like to make a huge impact but realize that a small measure is probably more realistic.

In order to make any impact, you wonder just how you may go about it?  Does it require that you get more education?  Does it require that you change your occupation?  Does it mean that you change your residence to some other town or city?  Does it mean that you will have to change your friends?

Some of the questions above may give you insight into needed changes.  One requirement is that you will have to do whatever you do according to the word of God.  In describing how the word of God is to be used in your life, the following anonymous words speak volumes, “Know it in your mind.  Stow it in your heart.  Show it in your life.  Sow it in the world.”  Now, that is some great words to live by.

The Scriptures have much to say about the benefits of the word of God in the believer’s life.  Perhaps, there is no greater words than those in Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is living, and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”  The word of God is not some dead book; it is a living book.  This means that it will move in your life to make the necessary changes needed.  It goes down into the deepest crevices of your life.  The word of God, also, does not deal with superficial areas of your life.  It deals with the deep, meaningful parts of your life; it even changes your very thoughts and intentions.

You say you want to make a difference in this world.  Start by letting it affect your mind, heart, life, and world.  That is how you make a difference!