You have dreams and aspirations that you want to accomplish in your life. They are the result of your personal desires and what others tell you that you should do. You have spent a lot of time thinking about them and pursuing them.
You desired those pursuits often without seeking the Lord’s advice. God’s plan for your life never entered the picture. The question, though, is not whether you know the will of God, but whether you are willing to do the will of God. If so, then God will make His plan clear to you. God reveals His plan for your life in steps. It starts with you obeying what the Scriptures tell you. After obeying those Bible principles, the Lord reveals another. Knowing God’s will for your life is result of your obedience to what the Lord already told you to do.
In discussing the relationship of servants and Lordship, God discusses the will of God in your life: “not by way of eye service, as men pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart” (Ephesians 6:6). The first requirement for doing God’s will is not to concern yourself with what other people will think— “not by way of eye service.” The verse emphasizes the fact that you are not to try to please those around you—not “as men pleasers.” The way this verse tells you to know the will of God is through totally obeying what Christ tells you to do— “as slaves of Christ.” This total obedience is placed at a high priority because you are to do it “from the heart.”
To live your life God’s way is to obey what you know the will of God is in your life. After you obey, then the Lord will guide you to do what He desires you to do next. Make no mistake about it, God will not reveal more of His will for your life until you do what He is presently telling you to do. After all, to find happiness in this life is a matter of doing it God’s way!