That Perfect Gift

When you were a child, you remember that gift you received either at Christmas or your birthday that was that perfect gift.  You wanted it for a long time, and the day came when you received it.  Your face lit up and joy inexpressible filled your soul.  Or you may be the one that supplied that much anticipated gift, and joy filled your being from top to bottom; seeing your loved one’s joy over your gift made your day.

A lot goes into that perfect gift.  Either in the waiting to receive it or in all the energy to buy the gift.  The amount of appreciation for that gift is dependent upon both the receiver and the giver; a short story will clarify what I mean.  Caesar Augustus gave an expensive gift to a person he wanted to honor.  The person was so overwhelmed he said, “This is too great a gift for me to receive.”  Caesar responded, “But this is not too great of a gift for me to give.”  This is particularly true of the gifts/blessings you receive from the Lord God.

Tucked away in the book of James is a verse that sheds some light upon that perfect gift: “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow” (1:17).  Notice, in this verse that not only is the “perfect gift” you receive a gift from God, but “every good thing” you receive is a gift from God.  In other words, everything that brings you joy on this earth is a direct gift from the Lord God.

So, no matter if you are receiving that perfect gift or giving that perfect gift, it comes from the Lord.  The words of Caesar are also the words that apply to the Jesus in His giving of gifts to us— “But this is not too great of a gift for me to give.”  Jesus knows the perfect gift to give, so relax and enjoy it!

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