Christmas Day is here! You get together with family and/or friends for a day of celebration. You will have a good meal. There will be present(s) to open. You hope you get that special gift you longed for on this day. Perhaps, the best part of day for you is not the present(s), but is the time you spend with those special people in your life.
Present(s) and loved one make this day special. There is, though, another reason that today is of special interest. It is Jesus Christ’s birthday. Luther, who often told a story to make a point, stressed the impact of God assuming flesh when he described a preacher reading from the first chapter of John’s gospel. When he came to the words, “In the beginning was the Word,” the Devil stood motionless. But when he read, “and the Word was made flesh,” the Devil immediately fled. Yes, the Devil fled, because God came to earth in flesh and blood; He was human yet still God.
John 1:14 says, “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” “The Word became flesh” is nothing more than the birth of Jesus Christ. One of the many reasons you celebrate His birth, is because of “His glory.” Jesus has the same glory as the Father has, which was witnessed by those Jesus met during His earthly presence. This verse says that Jesus is the One and Only Son of God. Jesus is “full of grace and truth.” You celebrate the birth of Christ, for He is the One that saved you from your sins by His “grace.” You were intended for a life separate from God, and Jesus gives you eternal life in heaven.
Those present(s) you receive today are great. The food is scrumptious. But the best Christmas Day present for you today, is when “the Word became flesh.” Yes, today is Jesus’ Birthday. Happy birthday Jesus!