When you think of living beyond the clouds, what do you think of? Do you think of the dreams you have, that, hopefully, one day will be realized? Do you think of life getting better here on earth, as you focus on positive thoughts? These may be true. Looking forward to a better tomorrow, than you have today is very encouraging.
The thought I have in mind is that you live beyond the clouds in heaven. Heaven is the eternal home of all Christians. You will enter it and your life will eternally reside there. In The Vance Havner Quote Book, he says this about heaven, “Christians are not citizens of earth trying to get to heaven but citizens of heaven making their way through this world.” You may think that you want to go to heaven someday but not until you get all you can get while you are on earth. You want to straddle the fence and get as much as heaven as you can get, along with getting as much as you can on earth, too. The Bible, not only doesn’t teach such a lifestyle, it condemns it. When talking to Christians that are “lukewarm,” Jesus says this to them, “So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth” (Rev. 3:16). Thus, live your life for the eternal state you will have in heaven.
As heaven is the eternal home you will have one day, the Scriptures have this to say about heaven, “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:20). This verse reminds you that your home or place of your citizenship is not here on earth, but is in heaven. When you get to heaven, the thing that you long for most is to be face-to-face with Jesus.
Place you hope, and the manner of life that you live on earth, as living beyond the clouds in heaven!