You live each day of your life moving from one activity to another. If the truth were told, so often this lifestyle is one of loneliness and spiritual defeat. Life has lost its zest and you feel as though it is more of a sense of enduring than actual fulfillment. Life in short is such a drag.
One day David Livingstone stood before the students of Glasgow University. He had spent many long years in the heart of Africa at a time when conditions were much more trying than they are today. It was the occasion of the commencement exercises, and Livingstone asked, “Shall I tell you what sustained me in my exiled life among strangers, whose language I did not understand?” A hush swept over the student audience, “It was this-‘Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.’” Christ is with you wherever and whenever you may go. There is no need to feel all alone, and that the decisions you make are totally up to you.
After Moses died, the Lord chose Joshua to lead the multitude of Israelites. The Lord God wanted to get Joshua’s attention when He charged Joshua with the task of leading the Israelites. Twice, in Joshua 1:6 and verse 7, He tells Joshua “be strong and courageous.” Then again in verse 9, God tells him again to “be strong and courageous.” Those same words apply to your life as well. God wants you to “be strong and courageous” not in your strength but in His power and strength. God repeating something three times for emphasis means He really wants you to be obedient in that matter. Afterwards, in verse 9, God tells you why you can “be strong and courageous” in every situation you face on a daily basis: “for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Yes, you have spiritual victory in your life by realizing and appropriating the fact that “the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”