As a child you think about a certain boy or girl you would like one day to marry. It may be their smile that grabs your attention. Or it could be their laugh that you find irresistible. Or the way they look makes a warm fuzzy feeling come inside you. No matter what attracts you to another person, that inward desire to marry that person is almost more than you can stand.
The day comes and you enter into a marriage relationship with someone. That wedding day is a day you will always remember. That union between you and your mate to this day brings back wonderful memories. It does not take long for you to realize that the feeling of love in marriage does not just happen. To make your marriage work requires some work. “A successful marriage required falling in love many times, always with the same person” (Mignon McLaugghlin). That statement is so true. For your marriage to be a happy place you have to keep falling in love with that person over and over again.
You may not be married and that is okay. It is not Christ’s will for everyone to enter into marriage. For those who are married just know that the person you are married to is no mistake. The moment you are married is the moment you realize that person is the one you are married to for your life on earth.
Scripture tells you that marriage is an honor. It is something that is a special relationship between two people. “Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefined; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4; NASV).
Since you are married you are to hold that marriage in honor. How? By constantly falling in love with that mate!