To know the right thing to say is a good thing but to actually say a good thing is much better. You are wise to always say the truth. It is when you tell a lie here and there that you get into trouble. When you lie you have to remember what lie you told and to be careful not to actually say the truth.
You may be wondering just where you can look to find the truth. You agree that political officials do not always tell the truth. So, you do not go to them to find truth. And not everything you read reveals truth. The same can be said about social media and news programs.
There is only one source of truth from which you can count on time and time again. Robert E. Lee (1807 – 1879) say this about the source of truth: “The Bible is a book in comparison with which all others in my eyes are of minor importance, and in which all my perplexities and distresses has never failed to give me light and strength.” He said the Bible is a book to find “light” for whatever situation you may find yourself. It is also a book to find “strength” to carry you though any of life’s troubles.
There is no book that begins to compare with the Holy Bible. Inside its pages are remedies for whatever may ail you. “The sum of Your word is truth, and every one of your righteous ordinances is everlasting” (Psalm 119:160; NASV). Inside this Book it declares the source of truth, of pure truth. Truth comes from the Scriptures.
The source of truth is the Bible. Knowing this is one thing but acting on it is another thing. Let this 2025 year be one in which you search the Bible diligently. Then you will be able to say you are gaining more and more truth. As you do this ask Christ to enlighten your reading!