No matter what you do or say, it seems that you make an enemy or two. As far as you can tell you have done nothing wrong. You search your heart and cannot determine why that person is an enemy of yours.
As you live your life it is certain that an enemy will raise its head in your life. What is surprising is that the more impact you make for Christ, then the more enemies you seem to make. You would think that being more Christ-like would yield a life free of enemies. That just does not happen.
Knowing that you have enemies, how should you respond to them? If you are not careful you will do to them the same way they treat you. It is your natural reaction. So, be aware. Dale Carnegie was a master at knowing how to get along with other people. In fact, follow his directives and you will have more friends. In dealing with enemies, he said, “when we hate our enemies, we are giving them power over us; power over our sleep, our appetites, our blood pressure, our health, and our happiness.” Thus, you do well not to hate your enemies.
Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount addresses how you are to deal with enemies in your life. He knew all too well that you would have enemies. His words hit cross grain to your natural response. He said: “But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44; NASV). Know for sure that you cannot do those things in your own power. You need the spiritual power that Christ gives to accomplish those goals.
So how do you make friends of your enemies? Follow Christ’s instructions to love them and to pray for them. As you pray for your enemies you will notice your attitude toward them changes. Seek Christ’s help and see change!