Faith That Has Results

          You want your life to reflect one that honors Christ.  One way to do that is to have faith.  Faith is so necessary to your Christian life.  It takes faith in Jesus Christ to enter into His kingdom and one day to live in heaven.  During this earthly pilgrimage it takes faith to live for Christ in a Godly manner.

            Augustine talked about faith.  He said, “Faith is to believe in what we do not see.  The reward of this faith is to see what we believe.”  It comes to no surprise to you that faith is to believe in something that you do not see.  Even an unbeliever believes that.  The hard part is believing the last part of that quote.  It says if you have faith, then whatever you put your faith in to happen will happen.

            Faith is the foundation of the Christian life.  It is necessary to enter into a relationship with Christ.  Living daily for Christ is centered around it as well.  Answers to prayers are an offspring of faith.  Jesus talks to His disciples about faith and its absolute necessity.  To increase your faith, take to heart what Christ told His disciples, and you and me, “And He said to them, ‘Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain. ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible to you” (Matthew 17:20; NASV).  Notice what Jesus calls you when your faith wains.  He said you have a “littleness of your faith.”  That is the problem.  Little faith has little results.

            To have results in faith has a simple solution.  The solution is simple but its application is a bit harder.  Christ said the simple solution to little faith is to increase your faith.  Right now, ask Christ to increase your faith.  Believe He will do it and it will happen.  Exercise that faith daily!