Silver Lined Words

          You do not have to think very hard to remember when someone said some kind words to you.  You remember it because of the rarity of its existence.  Once those positive words reach your ears they uplift your heart and linger in the crevices of your brain.  No matter what kind of day you are having once you get uplifting words your day immediately gets better.

            Those uplifting words even go deeper as they apply to you or something you have done.  Those uplifting words, applied to some personal quality or action, propel you into another galaxy.  You are above being on cloud nine.

            That feeling is what every human being strives to obtain.  “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated” (William James).  There is something deep within your nature to do something and then for someone to notice what you have done.  Better yet, to tell you in uplifting words their appreciation.

            Jesus lived thirty years on earth as a carpenter.  He held a secular vocation and stayed out of the limelight.  His life was like every other person around Him.  He knew His time was right.  He steps forward and is baptized by John the Baptist.  As He emerges from being immersed in the water the Holy Spirit comes down and settles upon Him.  At that moment God the Father speaks to His Son, “and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased” (Matthew 3:17; NASV).  God the Father says words of appreciation to Christ.

            Those silver lined words of appreciation can change the whole outlook of someone else.  Look for ways you can encourage someone else.  It lifts their spirits as well as yours.  Live for Christ and let those encouraging words flow!