Daily Improvement

          Here we are at the start of a new year.  Like it or not we begin 2025.  How will this year be different form other years?  What can you do to make this 2025 your best year yet?

            It starts with applying a little daily discipline.  Ok I said it!  I said that dirty word.  Discipline. We like that word in the same way we like to hear that word diet.  Yikes!  Although you shy away from that word, it does have some good benefits to get the most out of each day.  Benjamin Franklin asked himself each day, “What good thing can I do today?”  Not a bad question for you to ask of yourself, also.

            To do a daily good thing every day is a great way to live your life.  The Boy Scouts is a great organization.  They build better youth.  From the very beginning in the organization they learn the motto.  It says, “Do a good deed daily.”  Doing a good thing or doing a good deed every day will improve your life tremendously.

            What does it mean to do a good thing or deed?  The Word of God helps you out here.  “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21; NASV).  You know that evil will attack you every day.  You cannot avoid it.  In one form or another evil will find its way into your life.  You know that because this verse says that you are not to be overcome by evil.  Evil occurs and you are not to let it overpower you.  Then how are you to keep evil at bay?  By doing good.

            A daily ideal to keep in mind daily is to do some good thing every day.  One way to do something good is by responding to evil in such a way that you do something good.  Daily improvement occurs by doing good daily.   Please Christ daily by doing good!