How to Live

          When you become a Christian, you live your life differently than you did before having a personal relationship with Jesus.  Before, your life was filled with whatever gave you fulfillment.  You did those things that brought you pleasure.  After accepting Christ, as your Lord and Savior, you lived your life according to what the Holy Bible told you to do.

            Although obeying Scripture is of the utmost importance, a rule of thumb to living a life honoring to Christ, is very simple.  It is simply stated in the words, that a pastor asked his congregation.  At the end of each year, a pastor asked his congregation, “Beloved, as we come to the end of another year, have we become more like Jesus Christ?”  That is a good question to ask at the end of the year.  It is, also, a good question for you to ask yourself on a regular basis.

            Jesus is found in the Scriptures washing the disciple’s feet.  A job usually done by a slave or servant.  Every home had someone to do that job, before anything else was done.  The disciples did not want to humble themselves and wash each other’s feet.  So, Jesus washes their feet.  Then He tells them, “For I gave you an example that you should do as I did to you” (John 13:15; NASV).  Yes, Jesus was telling the disciples to wash each other’s feet.  Those words can be applied to your everyday occurrences, too.

            Living the Christian life can be accomplished by daily asking yourself, if you are living it the way Christ would do, if He were in that situation.  Know to accomplish that is impossible in your own strength.  It can only be done by letting Christ lead and guide you. So, ask Christ to guide your thoughts and actions, today, and every day of your life!

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