Keep Your Chin Up

          You enjoy each and every day that goes well.  When everything you seem to touch turns to gold, your spirits could not be higher.  You feel as though you are on top of the world.  You feel invincible.

            That is all well said and done, but you know that life is not one mountain top experience after another.  Just about the time you hit the jackpot, the bottom falls out.  Said another way, about the time your pimples go away your mind soon becomes fuzzy.

            What are you to do when life takes a tail spin downward?  A fresh perspective is needed.  First, do not focus your attention on that negative situation.  And know that life may just be about to get better.  An unknow author once said: “Success is often closest when discouragement is greatest.”  Now, that thought is worth remembering.

            Another truth worth remembering, is to set your mind on some future reward.  As you live the Christian life, focus your attention on the fact that Godly living puts jewels in your heavenly crown one day.  The reward that you one day will have, can boost your attitude into a whole different dimension.  “For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls” (Hebrews 12:3; NKJV).  Living a life free from worry and discouragement would be a great place to live.  This verse tells you, that life can be obtained.  How?  By keeping your attention on the heavenly rewards, you one day will receive.

            The Holy Bible tells you to persevere during trials and temptations.  Over and over again this biblical theme emerges.  Focus on heaven and your future rewards.  In good Southern slang, “keep your chin up!”

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