Hitting the Mother Lode

          Too often in life, you work hard and life seems to just go right by you.  You take it upon yourself to be conscientious and do more than is expected.  But at the end of the day, you seem to be neglected.  You think to yourself that all that hard work was for nothing.

            An unknown author may just give you the encouraging words you need to hear: “little things are the hinges on which great results turn.”  You may not realize it, but those endeavors you are performing are being noticed.  Even if they do not seem to be acknowledged, never fear, for they will lead to greatness.  It is all those small, unnoticed acts you are doing, in which great things will come.

            Jesus told a parable about being faithful with the gifts He gives you.  He said that you are to just focus on doing, with diligence, the use of your gifts.  He says that a certain “nobleman” gave different amounts of money to 3 of his servants, then he left on a trip.  As he returns, unexpectedly, he asks how those servants used the money he left them.  Notice his results, “Then came the first saying, ‘Master, your mina has earned ten minas.’  And He said to him, ‘Well done, good servant; you were faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities’” (Luke 19:16-17; NKJV).  Christ rewarded his faithfulness in using the money he gave him with the best of his ability.

            Christ wants you to use the spiritual gifts He has given you to the best of your ability.  You are not responsible for how someone else uses their gifts.  So, stop comparing yourself to other people.  You are only responsible for how you use your gifts.  The gifts you have may be small.  Christ only asks you to faithfully use what is given to you.  Then look at the result in heaven – you hit the mother lode!

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