Get Christian Education

          You may be a brand-new Christian, or a seasoned follower of Christ, but one thing is for sure is that you need to grow in your faith and knowledge of Christ.  Christ may be prompting you to pursue more education.  That may mean that you need to go to a Christian college or seminary.  If so, saturate it in prayer, and follow Christ’s leading.  If formal education is not where you feel Christ is leading, then He may just be telling you to take some formal on-line class.

            I get it.  You may think that you can learn all you need to learn without formal education.  H. A. Ironside was used mightily by Christ to win people to Christ and as a writer.  His commentary on the Bible is still used by some pastors today.  Someone asked H. A. Ironside, “Why should I get a seminary education?  You didn’t and you’re a great preacher.”  Ironside responded, “God does bless some who do not have an education, but he doesn’t bless those who have an opportunity for education but don’t take advantage of it.”  Thus, if possible pursue as much education, as you can for the glory of Christ.

            You know that Paul was a Pharisee.  He had plenty of education.  From his youth to an adult, he studied.  It is interesting, that after Paul received Christ, he did not go straight away into his ministry.  “To reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles.  I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus.  Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and remained with him fifteen days” (Galatians 1:16-18; NKJV).

            Seize every opportunity you can to study God’s Word.  Pray.  Seek guidance.  Get all the education you can!

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