Do It Tomorrow

          Life is busy.  Today you have so many things to do.  You may not have a “To Do List” as such, but there are many demands upon your time.  About the time you get through doing one thing, something else beckons for your time.  You go from doing one thing to another, almost without thinking about it.  Life just seems to be one activity after another.  So, it just makes sense to come across some activities that you need to put off until tomorrow.  The day is just too short to get everything done today that needs to be done.

            It is easy to put things off until tomorrow.  You have to be careful, because you can actually put so many things off until tomorrow, that today you accomplish so little.  It is easy to stay busy doing a lot of things, and putting even more activities off until tomorrow.  F. B. Meyer was a pastor and author of yesteryear.  In discussing this topic, he once said this: “It is tomorrow that fills men with dread.  God is there already.  All the tomorrow of our life have to pass Him before they can get to us.”  God is in control of what you do today, and also what you will accomplish tomorrow.

            As you put off things to do until tomorrow, it can get overwhelming.  Tomorrow’s tasks can become so full, that you begin to feel overwhelmed by it all.  Jesus, in the most profound sermon ever preached, the Sermon on the Mount, addresses that feeling of anxiety.  Too often you worry too much about tomorrow.  Christ puts it this way: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matthew 6:34; NKJV).

            Thus, it is okay to put some things off until tomorrow.  That is all good and well.  But put Christ’s words into daily living and do not worry about them.  Just live for today!

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