Value of Books

          Every child likes to have books read to them.  Few things are as touching as an adult sitting down with a little child in his/her lap, and reading to them.  Children love to hear the stories that are contained in those books.

            As children get older, they can’t wait to learn to read for themselves.  Learning to read opens a whole new world to them.  Children find it fascinating to grab a book and have the ability to read.

            To do any research as an adult, requires the ability to read.  To find out anything worthwhile, requires reading.  It does not matter if it is a book, a magazine, or even some information on the web.  To gain the knowledge you need, means that you must read.

            I have a mentor who knew too well the value of having a good theological library, since he was studying to be a pastor.  When he was in seminary, he would go every month (because he could not go any sooner) and give blood.  The money he got from donating blood, he used to buy theological books.  He called those books his “blood library.”  Ha! Ha!  Every Christian needs a few books to help in their study of God’s Word.  Erasmus knew too well the value of books.  He said, “when I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes.”

            The Apostle Paul knew all too well the value of books.  He was in prison with eminent death knocking at his door.  Wanting to grow as a Christian, even under this grim situation, he writes in his last letter: “Bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas when you come—and the books, especially the parchments” (2 Timothy 4:13; NKJV).

            Having numerous books at your disposal gives you scholars and experts at your fingertips.   Books are valuable!

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