The Magnificent Christ

          What does that title bring to your remembrance?  Surely, many thoughts come to mind.  That Christ and the Father are One.  That the Holy Spirit’s role on earth is to make known Christ.  That Christ is the Word in flesh.  And so many, many other things.

            Of all the evidences of the magnificence of Christ, there is the world in which you live.  Just think; everything you see was brought about by the word of Christ.  The expanse of the universe is mind blowing.  A car going at the rate of a mile a minute would reach the nearest star in 48 million years.  If a song were sung there and the sound could travel here, it would be 3,800,000 years before we could hear it.  A spider’s thread reaching to it would weigh 500 tons.  Wow!  All that and to think that Christ just spoke that into existence is amazing.

            Scripture tells you that Christ is the creator of everything that is created.  “And, You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth.  And the heavens are the work of Your hands” (Hebrews 1:10; NKJV).  That is your very own magnificent Christ.

            So what, you may ask?  If He is indeed the Creator of all that is created, you need to stop and pay attention to what He says!  Christ came to earth with only one main agenda.  To die on a cross to save you of your sins.  If you have not accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, do so right now.  Do not delay!

            If you do have a personal relationship with Christ, what’s next?  Live a life that is well pleasing to Christ.  Christ’s earthly life shows you how you should live.

            It is never too late to start doing what is right.  Accept Christ now!  Live totally to please Christ right now!

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