Kingdom Living

          It does not take long for you to realize that living for Christ here on earth is not a simple thing. So very often, doing the Godly thing runs cross culture to your natural way of handling a situation.  Kingdom living and handling life the way you think are worlds apart.

            “’Be yourself’ is the worst advice you can give to some people” (Tom Masson).  In fact, I would say that being yourself is the worst advice to give to anybody.  The Word of God tells you that you are carnal.  That you are wicked and there is nothing good within yourself. So, kingdom living must be found somewhere outside of yourself.

            Salvation from your sinful desires comes only through a relationship with Christ.  Christ is the only One that can change your carnal, fleshly desires into righteous thoughts and deeds.  Surrendering to Him turns your life to a complete about face.  Living a self-centered life changes to living a Christ-centered life.

            As you realize this, it gives you a fresh perspective on the Gospel message.  That message of accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior.  You can agree with the writer of Romans, when he said, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek” (1:16; NKJV).  You should spread the gospel of salvation near and wide, without being ashamed of it.

            Kingdom living occurs, when you take the message of Christ for salvation to those you meet on a daily basis.  It includes being verbal about your relationship with Christ.  But, it also includes living a Christ-centered life before a world that lives a culture totally opposite to it.  That holy living opens the door to share Christ.   Do so today!

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