A Little Forgiveness Please

          You know people who find it hard to forgive others.   They pride themselves in seldom, if ever, forgiving others for doing them wrong.  They agree wholeheartedly with the bumper sticker that reads: “I do not get mad.  I get even.”  That would be a very humorous bumper sticker, if it were not the way some people live their lives.

            Augustine lived many centuries ago.  Through his writings, his ministry lives on.  Talking about forgiveness, he said it this way, “If you are suffering from a bad man’s injustice, forgive him lest there be two bad men.”  How very true.  What is so sad about people that do not forgive, is that they do not want to forgive others.  Sad to say, they either will not read this blog, or they will read it with no change in forgiving someone who offends them.

            Your model for your life is Christ!  You are to live your life according to God’s Word.  And this is very profitable for you.  When you obey the Scriptures, you live a life that honors Christ.  Following in the footsteps of the Lord, the Bible says, “For You, Lord, are good and ready to forgive.  And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You” (Psalm 86:5; NKJV).  If you have not forgiven others’ wrongs to you in the past, ask the Lord to forgive you for you unforgiving spirit.  That is critical.  Next, tell Christ you need His power through the Holy Spirit to change that part of your life.

            You are to be a person who forgives others.  That is one way you can show the world that you are a Christian.  Forgiving others is not the way that unbelievers act.  As a Christian, everyone will see you stand tall and will take notice when you forgive someone for doing wrong to you. 

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