Monthly Archives: July 2024

          What does that title bring to your remembrance?  Surely, many thoughts come to mind.  That Christ and the Father are One.  That the Holy Spirit’s role on earth is to make known Christ.  That Christ is the Word in flesh.  And so many, many other things.             Of all the evidences of the magnificence… Read Article →

          It does not take long, when you are growing up, to realize that the words you hear have a huge impact on how you feel.  When someone tells you something nice and uplifting, you feel good inside.  And when someone tells you something negative and cutting, you feel terrible inside.  It does not matter… Read Article →

          Every child likes to have books read to them.  Few things are as touching as an adult sitting down with a little child in his/her lap, and reading to them.  Children love to hear the stories that are contained in those books.             As children get older, they can’t wait to learn to read… Read Article →

          It does not take long for you to realize that living for Christ here on earth is not a simple thing. So very often, doing the Godly thing runs cross culture to your natural way of handling a situation.  Kingdom living and handling life the way you think are worlds apart.             “’Be yourself’ is… Read Article →

          After entering the kingdom of God, you get a desire to accomplish a lot for Christ.  Even after you have known the Lord for some time, the thought of being used greatly by Him tugs at your thoughts.  You want your life on earth to count.  As heaven draws near, your heavenly achievements become… Read Article →

          I can hear what you are saying: “I just am not built that way.”  I know your anger and the way you deal with bad habits are just more than you can bear.  After all, in your entire life those traits have been haunting you.             It is not as though you have not… Read Article →

          You live a busy life.  There are so many demands upon your daily schedule.  With so many things tugging at your time, you find it hard to do everything that needs to be done.  What is worse is that after a hard day at work or school, you feel you need time to relax. … Read Article →

          You know people who find it hard to forgive others.   They pride themselves in seldom, if ever, forgiving others for doing them wrong.  They agree wholeheartedly with the bumper sticker that reads: “I do not get mad.  I get even.”  That would be a very humorous bumper sticker, if it were not the way… Read Article →

          With this title, you are probably thinking about physically dying and then totally living one day in heaven.  That, indeed, will be a wonderful day!  But, that is not the thought I have in mind here.  I have something different.             Your deepest desire is to be well pleasing to Christ.  You want every… Read Article →

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