More than likely, the people we remember the most are those that showed an extra amount of love toward us. They may have taken the time to talk to us. Spending time with us when they could be doing other things, showed us their love for us. Love is shown by others to us, when they do special things for us. We do not ask them. They just take the initiative and do that special deed.
Those acts of kindness, given to us, is what shapes our lives. Others love us, and the ways they love us, we in turn, love others. Johann van Goethe had the same thought in mind, when he said: “We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.” The things we love mold us into one kind of person or another.
Christ spent time with His disciples. He poured His life into their lives. Christ knew those disciples were His evangelism team to the whole world, after He would be resurrected into heaven. Christ would no longer be with them. It was their job to share the Good News, that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. Christ is, also, the Savior of the world. How would those disciples carry out such a huge mission? In short, Jesus tells His disciples: “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15; NKJV). As Christ’s disciples, and us too, put the commandments that He taught into daily action, the world would be turned upside down.
Our love for the Savior changes our lives. We no longer do what we want to do. We no longer treat others the way we want to treat them. We no longer think about what we want to think about. We love Christ and want His blessings on our lives. This happens as we allow Christ’s love to flow in and through us, to a world that desperately needs His love. It’s time to put our love into practice!