Overcoming Obstacles

            One thing is certain; life is full of trials and hardships.  Just about the time you get over one hurdle, another one pops up in your life.  Must of your existence here on earth, seems to be moving from one difficulty to another.

            Since life is full of trying times, you are better off getting to know how to handle them.  It is sad that too many people go through their entire life and never learn how to deal with those stressful times in their life.  Art Linkletter has some advice worth living, when he said, “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.”  That matter of your mind-set in dealing with how things turn out in day-to-day encounters, makes all the difference in the world.  All that may be needed in your life in overcoming stressful events may just be changing the way you look at them.

            Jesus said, “in the world you will have tribulation” (john 16:33, NKJV).  Since Jesus assures us that tribulations are coming, He gives us the remedy for dealing with them, when He said, “but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” in that same verse.  Putting your full faith in the Lord Jesus that He will get you through, whatever life brings your way, gets your mind off the tribulation and onto Jesus working out the matter.

            The good news is that obstacles can be overcome.  You are not at the mercy of some life event, that seems to hit you broadside and knock you off your feet.  That may occur.  Your response is what is all important, not the specific incident.  When obstacles come, at that very moment, lift your prayer to Christ.  Ask Him to give you the strength to endure that obstacle.  Christ may just be using that obstacle to bring you closer to Him.  Surrendering to Christ is the key!