There are a lot of things that you can do to make use of your time wisely. You have a limited amount of time, so using time wisely is of the utmost importance. Your spiritual growth is something you take seriously. Thus, how are you to grow spiritually by using your time wisely?
Billy Graham was one of the most influential evangelists the world has ever known. Millions of people became Christians, as Christ used him to bring them from spiritual darkness into the light of Christ. One-time Billy Graham said to a reporter that if he had the last ten years to live over, he would do some things differently, and then he specified the following: “I would spend more time studying … I particularly plan to concentrate on the Scriptures. When the end of my life comes, I want to concentrate on the Scriptures.” Billy Graham is no longer on this earth, but you can learn from those words he spoke.
It is time to pay attention to what Billy Graham said. You should study the Word of God. Christ was discussing with the Jews about Him being the Messiah. In doing so, Christ says, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think, you have eternal life, and these are they that testify of Me” (John 5:39, NKJV). The Jews were searching the Scriptures without discernment. Spiritual enlightenment of the Holy Spirit shows the reader that Christ is the Messiah.
Spend your time wisely by asking the Holy Spirit to give you insight into the Scriptures. If you have not done so, ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and guide you to live for Him daily. If you are a Christian, spend your time wisely by studying the Scriptures.
Today is a good day to put this into action. Remember, it is never too late to start doing what is right!