Whenever you think of Christmas, your mind thinks about some gift you gave or received. You may have had the pleasure of giving someone a treasured gift. When they received it, it was the perfect gift. It was exactly what they wanted. Putting the shoe on the other foot, you may have received that perfect gift sometime in your life.
Absolutely the best gift ever given to anyone, ever, in the whole world past, present, or future, is the gift of Jesus coming to earth. His birth changed everything for all eternity. Thinking about the birth of Jesus Christ, C. S. Lewis said this: “The Son of God became the Son of Man, so that the sons of men could become sons of God.” Because Christ was born, died, and was resurrected, you become a son of God by placing your faith in Him. Thus, His birth becomes one of the most profound gifts you will ever receive.
The Scriptures are not silent about that great gift of God becoming man. In describing the gift of Christ, who is the Son of God, being born on earth is explained in 1 Corinthians 9:15: “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” That “indescribable gift” is none other than the gift of Jesus to humanity.
Christmas Day is this Sunday. You will give and receive gifts. The time will be spent with laughter, fun, and exchanging gifts. Have a blast!
As you celebrate on Christmas Day, do not forget to spend some time thinking about the real reason for the giving and receiving of gifts. They are in memory of the Christ Child receiving gifts on His birthday. Yes, Jesus is the very best Christmas gift you can receive. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!