You like to not only do something, but do something in which you get some reward(s). The pot at the end of the rainbow often motivates you to proceed. Either verbally, or unspoken, you want to know what is in it for you. Will all your hard work be worth the rewards you get? After all, you want to use your time wisely.
Rewards are nice. How do you get those rewards? Do you study to make sure you fully understand what all is involved? Do you seek wisdom from those who have traveled that road before? Or do you need to further your education?
So often, all your time is spent in preparing, that you do not pursue your goal(s). Studying, seeking wisdom, and further education can greatly help in your pursuit. But the fact is, that sooner or later you have to get into the ring and do something. Aldous Huxley gives you some sound advice, when he said, “The great end of life is not knowledge but action.” Without action nothing gets accomplished, no matter how much you know.
The Great Commission, the marching orders for every Christian, says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28:19-20). You go to study groups, seminars, and videos to learn how to communicate to the unbelievers how he/she can get saved. After you finish one training session, you sign-up for another one. The problem is that you omit the very first word of the command. The mandate is to “go.” The Lord Jesus will take care of the rest.
Being fruitful in the kingdom of God does require some information, but the primary emphasis is to go.
I love what you said about taking action: “…you have to get into the ring and do something.” Sometimes we get so engrossed in seeking knowledge that we forget to “go” and share this knowledge. God wants us to persistently step out of our comfort zones and evangelize and in the midst of it, we need to simply trust that when we do that, He is in complete control.