The Key To Success

You have a goal in mind and want to obtain it.  This is something that you feel passionate about.  You feel that if you would have this in your life,  your life would be so much better.  Your heart’s desire is to make this happen in your lifetime.

No sooner do you work toward making it a reality in your life, then extreme trouble and heartbreak destroy your hope of reaching it.  Your hopes and dreams are shattered.  You retreat and lick your wounds.  Alas, that goal becomes a forgotten memory.

This calls for a change in your attitude.  This changed attitude must then result in a change of action.  William Arthur Ward has some sound advice for you: “Great men rise above adversity and attain new heights of achievement by turning tribulations into triumphs, failures into fortunes, setbacks into successes, obstacles into opportunities, and burdens into blessings.  They refuse to be hampered by handicaps, dismayed by discouragements, overcome by opponents, defeated by disappointments, or destroyed by disasters.”  In summary, do not take no for an answer; keep pressing onward toward your goal, regardless.

Jesus talked about how you are to pray during stressful times of your life in the greatest sermon ever preached: the Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8).  The word “ask” means to keep asking on and on and not to give up.

The key to your success in obtaining what your heart desires is to keep pursuing and not ever giving up; something like the story of the tortoise and the hare.