Living Above Criticism

You try your hardest to live a good life.  You try to do what is best for yourself and for other people.  But no matter how hard you try, someone seems to always say something negative.  The more you try to remedy the situation, the worse it seems to get.

Plato was a philosopher whose words ring true for many of life’s situations.  In dealing with people who spread words of discontentment about you he says this— “If people speak ill of you, live so that no one will believe them.”  That is some wise counsel.  Don’t worry about what other people say about you; just live your life with high standards in mind.

The Holy Bible presents a lot of truth in regards to the way you live here on planet earth.  One such passage is seen in Philippians chapter 4 and verse 8: “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”  When you live your life according to that verse, people will take a second thought when others speak evil of you.

Criticism is sure to come.  The only people who do not get criticism are people who are not doing anything.  The moment you start doing something, especially doing something for the kingdom of God, expect criticism.  Jesus received a lot of criticism in His day.  He told us as His disciples that whatever people did to Him, that we should expect the same treatment.

To live above criticism means that you live your life to glorify Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Do not concern yourself with what the world says.  Just walk with God with your head high.  Remember, you are to please God, not man!